A New ‘15-minute neighbourhood’
Waltham Forest needs to provide new homes – 1,800 a year until 2035 - including affordable homes, for current and future residents. Blackhorse Lane has been designated a key growth area in the borough expected to deliver at least 1,800 new homes itself, and is also suitable for tall buildings.
During our consultation we received a mixed response from the local community regarding the introduction of new homes at Uplands Business Park, with a third agreeing with the principle.
new homes
new affordable
homes equivalent
to over 600
of play space across
Uplands Business
We have committed to an industrial led scheme supported by a mix of new homes and commercial space with high-quality public realm to create a vibrant new neighbourhood for the local area.
We are proposing to build up to 1,800 high-quality homes, including 35% affordable homes (to rent and buy), that will support a diverse and inclusive neighbourhood that reflects the local population.
It is only through the introduction of new homes that a comprehensive redevelopment of Uplands Business Park can be achieved – one that supports the existing businesses,and protects the area’s industrial heritage.

Proposed view of Uplands Yard with new homes, play space and areas for the community to meet including creche, gym and community space
High quality design
A ‘15-minute neighbourhood’ aims to enable everyone to meet most of their needs within a short walk or bike ride from their home or place of work.
We will introduce new shops, restaurants, community facilities and homes which will complement the employment opportunities and public-facing businesses on site, such as tap rooms and shops.
We expect there to be up to 1,800 new homes some in tall buildings to have a range of styles and heights that will enhance the industrial character of the area. Tall buildings allow us to:
Provide more ground floor space for industry
Provide better sunlight & daylight
Provide more open space, such as the new waterside park
Provide much-needed new homes, 35% affordable (to rent and buy)
Help fund new community uses such as a GP surgery, a nursery and a community hall.
The provision of a high amount of play space for both children and teenagers is one of the main priorities for this redevelopment, as we are creating the new 15-minute neighbourhood.

Precedent image of mounded play area for children in Wetlands Waterside park
Providing safe walking and cycling routes from Blackhorse Lane and neighbouring sites, via new streets, paths and passages.
Proposed view of Wetlands Waterside park which includes the new waterside route for pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy
We believe that the redevelopment of Uplands Business Park, including new homes, plays a critical role in transforming the wider Blackhorse Lane area to create a 15-minute neighbourhood.
The scheme also plays it’s part in delivering the new waterside route between Forest Road in the south and Lockwood Gate entrance to the wetlands in the north.
High Quality Design
The phased redevelopment of Uplands Business Park proposes a range of heights and massing between the different buildings types, as we try to maximise the benefits for the local community. In the image below you can see an outline of the proposed building heights. Where tall buildings are proposed these are focused in the centre of the site, with building heights then stepping down as you move towards the Wetlands and Blackhorse Lane. This approach follows the principles set out in the emerging Blackhorse Lane Masterplan.
Do you want to see the rest of our PROPOSALS?

The area has become home
to a more diverse mix of businesses,
food producers and artists