Blackhorse Lane
Masterplan Process

The council’s emerging policy identifies Blackhorse Lane SIL as a significant growth area within the borough suitable for Taller and Tall buildings.

The council has produced a Masterplan for the Blackhorse Lane SIL to provide guidance for any future development as it seeks to achieve its employment and housing targets.

BlackRock and NEAT's proposals for Uplands Business Park are within the Blackhorse Lane SIL.

The masterplan:

Establishes a framework for industrial reprovision to protect industrial uses if development happens

Sets a coordinated approach to ensure landowners work together to deliver a new place with business and employment at its heart, alongside new green public spaces, arts & entertainment and homes.

The key priorities are:

Focuses new and intensified industrial spaces to the north and east where there is better access to the road network.

Proposeses a series of public spaces through the centre of the site and a continuous waterside route.

Introduces new uses including workspace, leisure, community and residential closer to station.

If you would like to visit the Waltham Forest Council
website for further information on the masterplan, please click here.

Illustration showing the proposed masterplan for the Blackhorse Lane SIL

For the Uplands Business Park area, the Masterplan sets the following key principles:

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Three lines: a strong frontage on Blackhorse Lane, a series of public spaces through the centre of the SIL and a continuous waterside route accessible for all.

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East-west routes: New and improved routes into the SIL separating HGV movements from pedestrians and cyclists.

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Industrial strategy: New industrial buildings focused to the north and the east, supported by new designated industrial servicing roads.

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Introducing other uses: New uses (including residential) introduced in the south and west, with a mix in the centre of the SIL supported by the series of new public spaces.

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Height and massing: A range of modern building types are proposed within the masterplan area to house the different uses. Taller and Tall buildings may be appropriate in the centre of the SIL focused around the new public spaces. Buildings will need to step down towards the Wetlands and Blackhorse Lane where there are more sensitive neighbours

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High Quality Design: The masterplan requires high quality design, particularly where tall buildings are proposed, and will ensure any planning applications meet London Plan Policy D9 (Tall Buildings) and emerging LP1 Policy 8 (Character-led Intensification) and emerging LP1 Policy 57 Taller and Tall Buildings).