Protecting and enhancing

Retaining, supporting, and growing the area’s industrial business ecosystem is fundamental to our proposals.

During our consultation in July 2021, 84% of survey respondents agreed when asked about retaining and enhancing the industrial character of the area, with 46% of those survey respondents strongly agreeing.


Increase industrial
floorspace by

1,000 +

new high
quality jobs

Proposed view of Goldsmith Yard - the shared industrial space created to support industry and incorporate customer facing activities

High quality design

The proposals have incorporated high-quality design principles to ensure there is no conflict between the industrial space and any new uses (such as new homes or restaurants) that are introduced into the area. This includes closely considering layout, access, orientation, servicing, public realm, air quality, vibration and noise.

To rehouse existing businesses, create new employment opportunities and integrate new uses we are proposing a mix of buildings across the site:

We will protect and enhance industrial space. In the first phase this will be centred around Goldsmiths Yard in modern innovative stacked industrial buildings;

New units will recognise the customer facing trend of businesses already at Uplands, and those wanting to come (tap rooms, café space, event space, etc);

Stacked (multi storey) industrial enables all aspects of a business under one roof: the design, production, office/finance, etc;

Co-location of uses enables more industrial space at ground floor, with the build costs subsidised by new uses above.

There will be a particular focus on enabling the food and beverage sector to flourish and incorporate more customer-facing activities and greener, more sustainable industrial uses.

Greening the yards will be important to provide some recreational space for employees or local events in the evening and at weekends. The greening strategy includes vertical greening, permeable paving, and an enhanced landscaped environment with trees, planting beds and vegetation.

In addition, green and blue roofs will be introduced. A green roof creates the opportunity for an increase in biodiversity and vegetation. Blue roofs create opportunity for rainwater to be recycled and re-used for external watering and also slow runoff rates to reduce the risk of surface water flooding.

Industrial podiums can accommodate high-quality ground floor industrial floorspace integrated with new uses above

New Business Platform and 1,000+ Jobs

This innovative building provides a comprehensive service for business development including finance, legal, mentoring and regulatory services supporting both existing businesses and new start-ups.

This idea is based on similar locations in New York and Paris.

Sketch of the multi-storey businesses platforms


Waltham Forest is home
to some of London’s most
exciting cultural offerings


Successful places consist of a
mix of complementary uses that
enhance each other


Sustainability is a key consideration
for us, we will be responding to the
climate emergency