Hybrid planning application submitted

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Sustainable new Neighbourhood for Blackhorse Lane will connect Industry with Culture and Homes
We are pleased to announce that a hybrid planning application has been submitted by NEAT Developments and BlackRock Real Assets to Waltham Forest Council that will create a new, sustainable neighbourhood on Blackhorse Lane at the Uplands Business Park and Forest Trading Estate.
Through this consultation website we have outlined our proposals during the pre-application stage and have led a wide-reaching and extensive consultation with the local community. Two rounds of public consultation were held in 2021 and 2022, with thousands engaging at either in person events or through this website.
Following our consultation and pre-application engagement with Waltham Forest Council officers and the Greater London Authority, the proposals evolved, and a number of changes were made.
The proposals will provide over 29,000 sqm of modern, industrial floorspace for the Boroughs makers and creators, combining it with up to 1,800 new homes and a large increase in the cultural offer on site. A new Wetlands waterside park will be created alongside space for shops, restaurants, cafes, outdoor markets and leisure activities.
At the heart of these proposals is the retention of existing businesses, with 18,000 sqm of new industrial floorspace provided in Phase 1 in two stacked industrial buildings around a dedicated industrial yard. Through these, and the modern industrial buildings proposed in later phases, over 1,000 new jobs will be created on site.
The proposals are also guided by an ambition to be as sustainable as possible. The plans propose a big increase in biodiversity on site, including over a hundred new trees, and an aim to reuse, recycle or recover 95% of construction and demolition waste. Electric charging points will be available for industrial and residential vehicles whilst the layout of the new neighbourhood will make cycling and walking the easiest and most pleasant option for local travel.
Our Application has now been validated by the London Borough of Waltham Forest (ref:222739). The full pack of planning documents can be accessed here. If you have any questions regarding this application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
In the meantime, if you want to find out more about the planning application or would like further information on the proposals, please contact us using:
Freephone Number: 0800 193 6698
Email: uplands@futureofuplands.com

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January 20, 2022
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