End of first round
of Consultation
of Consultation

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Consultation for the development of Uplands Business Park last July.
During this consultation we had over 1000 website views and received 164 responses
We would like to thank you for your participation in the first round of community consultation for the development of Uplands Business Park last July. During this consultation we had over 1000 website views and received 164 responses to our Uplands vision survey and 81 responses to the sustainability survey. In total 55 people attended our events and showed great interest in our proposals. Following this community consultation, we took into consideration your feedback as we progressed with the design of our proposals. A second round of consultation to seek further input from the community on updated proposals will follow in February 2022.
Latest news
February 14, 2022
As part of the consultation, we have hosted two in-person drop-in sessions on the 5th and 9th February